Coming Friday: v0.2

v0.2 Patch Notes - Scheduled 9/10/2021

Speakeasy's first major patch is here! If you kept up with the streams, you'll know what we wanted to get into the game for the jam. Unfortunately, but rather predictably, the update is just a few days too late. Fortunately for you, we had always planned on developing the game for a Steam release and this is the first step in the right direction: THE CHEEK-SLAPPING GOOD TIME update.

Overall notes include making all systems besides the Final Boss fully functional and in an alpha state (ready to be changed, modified, and updated, but working with intended features).

This patch will be releasing by Friday evening.

Items include:

  • Fully functional enemy AI for three enemy variations:
    • The Scuttlebutt: A two-eyed alien crab with a penchant for biting. Current AI is a simple walk, patrol, and chase, but later on in development scuttlebutts will be able to crawl on walls and attempt to ambush you from behind.
    • The Eyesoar: This disturbing little critter hatched from eggs in the trawl-haul of the Dutchman's brig and infests the dilapidated outer rings. They have a disturbing way of tossing their eyes at you to weaken you. Will they plant eggs in your brain? No, but wouldn't that be disturbing?
    • Trisoars, a triple variant of the eyesoar, is much like a Rat King, and will be more powerful and coming in a later update
    • More enemies will be coming in future updates.

  • Updated lighting, materials, and level layouts.
    • Many fixes for broken level layouts and objects that were meant to be invisible have been implemented.
    • There is now a kill plane under the map that will properly reset you to the last door you came from if you somehow get flung far into space.
    • Materials and models for the ingredients now match the sound and vibe of the room.
      • Blue: Deep Choral
      • Purple: Octobass Tentacle
      • Green: Funky Shroom
      • Orange: Fire Reed

  • A bunch of other bugs I can't remember right now.
  • We'll add more between now and Friday for you to have fun with.

Let us know if you encounter any bugs or have any major sweeping ideas!

EDIT: Date updated to 9/10 since we aren't able to publish game updates until the Brackeys Jam ends.

Until Next Time,


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Date changed to 9/10/2021 because we can't publish new updates until the Jam voting period ends.

Because of this, we may have EVEN MORE to add to the update. What we're mainly focusing on is rebuilding the code base for future updates... AND ONLINE MULTIPLAYER.